
Showing posts from September, 2024


                                                 Source: Shutterstock   History is rich with failed empires: the Roman Empire, the Inca Empire, the Mongol Empire, the Macedonian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the Spanish Empire, the Russian Empire, the British Empire. Though each stood  atop their world for a period, they all fell prey to the same cause. They became overextended and could no longer support the cost of their empire even after extracting tribute from their defeated enemies and colonies. Their end often came suddenly. The Decline of the American Empire      Today, the US struggles to maintain the empire status that it achieved following World War II. The US takes great pride in claiming that it is "The Indispensable Nation" that has not just the right to interject itself in other nations' business but the duty to do so. It maintains over one hundred military bases around the world and fancies itself to be the "World's Cop". Unlike early empires, i